The practice of meditation is not something new. Research shows that the art of practicing meditation dates back more than 5000 years. Over time, various different groups have evolved the practice of meditation according to their own belief systems and preferences. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that today there are so many different meditation styles a person could choose from, to suit their own needs. Taking the time to learn a little more about the different types of meditation styles and its origins will allow an individual to make a more informed decision on which style or type would be most suitable. Initially thought to be a practiced art form that is heavily connected to some form of religious beliefs, meditation is now accepted as simply a practice of seeking to connect body and mind in a holistic manner to benefit the individual’s daily existence. Today a large segment of society turns to the use of meditation as a stress reduction tool, a relaxation tool or as a self-improvement tool. There have been many positive results documented due to the use of meditation for these purposes, but to date, scientific researchers are still unable to conclusively acknowledge just how the mechanisms of meditation works. Many people going through difficult phases in their lives turn to meditation for relief. […]