Build your Immune system increase your energy and reach deeper levels of meditation
Increase your energy. Abdominal massage is a simple practice that will deliver fast and powerful benefits. By using massage and breathing techniques you will become more energized, fight off sickness and increase your awareness of energy circulation in the body.
Abdominal massage is a technique using the false dan tien to generate energy that you can lead to other areas in the body. The false dan tien is the front area of your stomach. The reason it can be a good place to generate energy is that there are six layers of muscle, fat and fascia. The fascia being a good conductor of energy and the muscle being a poor conductor it is like a naturally built human battery.
Once the energy is accumulated in the false dan tien you can lead the energy to your real dan tien located in the center of your abdomen. It is basically your large and small intestines. This is the main energy center in the body and can store high levels of energy when conditioned.